California health insurance  -  Group health insurance in California  -  Why offer employees health coverage

Reasons to offer California small group insurance 


As a small business owner, it makes sense to make the investment in offering your employees small group insurance (in some states, it is a legal requirement if, for example, you have more than two employees).


Here are some reasons to offer group insurance:


Keeps your business competitive.


Attracting qualified, motivated employees can be a challenge, particularly in some industries.


California health insurance often heads the top of an prospect’s "wish list"  list, after salary requirements when a prospective employee is weighing one company against another.


The more generous the plan, the more attractive your company becomes as a future employer.


When you are recruiting new employees, make sure you advertise the fact that you offer group California health insurance, and perhaps touch upon some of the benefits (maternity coverage, fixed office co-pays, etc.) it may include.


Keeps your employees happy.


Employee turnover is a constant that small business owners have to deal with.


Offering group California health insurance is one way to retain good employees after they have joined your company.


A covered employee is much less likely to "look around," particularly  if she or he has a family, if they are covered by a good California health insurance policy through your company.


If you can also offer a "cafeteria-style" group plan, which offers flexible benefits based on the employees’ needs, it allows your employees not to be forced into buying more coverage than they need, or can afford.


Provides tax benefits for your company.


As an employer, you can write off 100 percent of the premiums you pay for your group California health insurance. This can be a significant savings for your company.


Creates a bond with your employees. By offering your employees group California health insurance, you’re showing your employees you care about their welfare. This gives a "human face" to your business which can pay long-term dividends in the future.

You can run your Group Health Plan Quote here to view rates and plans side by side from the major carriers...Free.

Again, there is absolutely no cost to you for our services.  Call 800-320-6269 Today!